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The Gordon Story

The original school at this site was called Grangehill Road School and it opened on 3rd February 1902 in temporary buildings with a roll of 110 infant pupils. On 22nd August 1904, the present building was opened with an infant school on the ground floor, a boys' secondary school on the first floor and a girls' secondary school on the second floor. The head of the boys' school was instrumental in renaming the school The Gordon. There was a huge rise in the numbers of pupils at the beginning of the first world war due to the influx of munitions workers who occupied the hutted housing that was erected in the area. Extra corrugated outbuildings were placed in the school playground - they are still here! 

By the 1930's, the Gordon Infant School sent its pupils to either Deansfield or Eltham CofE when they reached junior age. The Gordon boys' and girls' schools tended to take the majority of their pupils from either Deansfield or Eltham CofE once they reached secondary age. In 1948, the girls' and boys' secondary schools combined to form a mixed secondary school.