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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Mrs Altiparmaki - Athens Class:

Mrs Codd - Cairo Class:

Learning at Gordon Primary School is broad with a wide range of engaging experiences that reinforce key concepts in every subject. It is balanced so that children receive a full and rich curriculum containing all subjects, and implemented well so that children remember in the long term the information and skills they have been taught. We place priority on the children’s personal, social and emotional development because we know this is key to a successful school career and life in general. Our curriculum is designed to engage and meet the needs of all children and enables them to achieve success in all subjects. 

Summer Term Learning


Our first focus text will be Who Let the Gods Out by Mary Evans. Through this text we will learn to use retrieval and inference to understand characters, and write using imagery and figurative language. We will consolidate how to use a variety of sentence openers and plan a piece of narrative using the third person. We will also explore A Midsummer Night’s Dream, adapted by Andrew Matthews. While studying the text, we will learn how to collect evidence to justify our opinions about characters, and we will recall main events from a particular character’s viewpoint. Our third text will be Varjak Paw by S F Said. We will learn how to effectively use apostrophes to mark possession, and structure sentences using comparative conjunctions. We will write a narrative using expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials and correctly punctuated direct speech.

When reading, we will be exploring a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts and answering questions focusing on retrieval and inference.


We will be using the Maths No Problem scheme to support our mathematical learning. We will be working on Decimals, Money, Length, Mass and Volume, Geometry, Area and Perimeter, and Position and Movement. Throughout these units, the children will be learning about and comparing tenths and hundredths, counting and recording in pounds and pence, rounding to the nearest pound, estimating and measuring mass, volume, length and perimeter. Children will draw on their multiplication knowledge to calculate area and learn the different types of angles and use this learning to classify triangles. The children will also use their knowledge of coordinates to describe the position of shapes and a figure following translation. They will apply their knowledge to word problems.


We will be studying Changing State this term. The children will be learning about the different properties of solids, liquids and gases and that some materials can exist as both a solid and a liquid. The children will also be learning about the processes of evaporation, condensation, melting and freezing.


In our What did the Ancient Greeks ever do for us? topic, we will be describing the features of Ancient Greece, identifying the key periods in the ancient Greek civilisation, and researching Greek gods. We will be comparing Athens and Sparta and understanding philosophy and the different types of democracy, as well as the Greeks’ legacies and impact. 


In Geography, we will be asking Are All Settlements the Same? We will be locating, describing and comparing cities and towns in the UK. We will be using an OS map to notice different land uses, to follow a route and discuss reasons for the location of human and physical features. We will compare regions of the UK to New Delhi.


We will explore how Every Picture Tells a Story. The children will develop the ability to analyse, unpick and understand works of art, using inference to suggest what different subjects may be thinking or feeling. The children will also be predicting what might be happening in a scene and what could happen next.


In Music this term, Year 4 will continue with their First Access instrumental sessions and will be able to choose a preferred instrument. They will focus on either the violin or the trombone to further develop playing technique. They will read notation and will play as an ensemble in unison, improvise and perform as a group to each other.


The children will develop their understanding of repetition and loops within programming. Children will create programs by planning, modifying, and testing commands to create shapes and patterns. They will also explore the concept of repetition in programming using the Scratch environment. Children look at the difference between count-controlled and infinite loops, and use their knowledge to modify existing animations and games using repetition. 

Design Technology (DT)    

During these lessons, children will be designing and making a model car. 

Physical Education (PE)   

We will be developing team games skills and athletic skills as well as having weekly tennis lessons on Thursdays.


We will be learning key vocabulary, grammar and phrases through the following topics French food and The Eurovision Song Contest.

Religious Education (RE)   

We will be exploring Christianity, Islam and Judaism through the key questions Why is the Bible the best-selling book of all time? as well as Does the language of scripture matter?

Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE) / Relationships & Sex Education (RSE)

Physical and mental health – Children will identify a wide range of factors that help them maintain a balanced, healthy lifestyle, both physically and mentally. They will explore what good physical health means, how to recognise early signs of physical illness and learn that common illnesses can be quickly and easily treated with the right care, e.g. visiting the doctor when necessary.

Growing and changing – Children will consider how to identify external genitalia and reproductive organs and learn about the physical and emotional changes during puberty. They will discuss the challenges of puberty with a trusted adult.

Keeping safe – Children will understand the importance of taking medicine correctly and using household products safely. They will recognise what is meant by a ‘drug’ and that drugs are common in everyday life (e.g. cigarettes, e-cigarettes/vaping, alcohol and medicines). Children will also consider the effects on health and wellbeing and learn that all drugs, including medicines, may have side effects. The children will identify some of the risks associated with drugs common to everyday life and understand that for some people, using drugs can become a habit which is difficult to break. They will also learn how to ask for help or advice.

General Information

  • Your child should read to an adult for 15 minutes three times a week and independently every day. It is also important that an adult reads to your child regularly. Please talk to your child about the book and check their understanding by asking questions about events and the characters’ actions. Please also explain new or unfamiliar vocabulary. Their bookbag should come into school every day.
  • Your child will have PE on Monday and Thursday. Their PE kit should stay in school in a named draw-string bag. Please make sure your child has an outdoor PE kit including jogging bottoms and a sweatshirt.
  • Your child needs to bring a water bottle every day.
  • Warmer weather is on its way, but some days can still be cold and rainy, so please send your child to school suitably dressed for outdoor play. On very hot days, you may wish to apply sunscreen to your child and send them in with a hat and sunglasses.
  • We are a Healthy School. Please do not put sweets or chocolate bars in your child’s packed lunch. Please do not send in sweets or other treats when it is your child’s birthday. If you want to celebrate your child’s birthday with their classmates, you could buy the class a book, send in a healthy snack such as boxes of raisins or buy stationery such as a pencil, but due to the impact on the environment, we ask you not to send in plastic toys.
  • If your child is absent from school, please contact the school office: 020 8850 5486 and leave a message detailing why your child is absent. Please try to book medical appointments outside of the school day and note that family holidays will not be authorised.
  • If you have any questions or wish to raise a concern, please contact the class teacher in the first instance. Please see the email addresses above.  

Diary Dates

Please note the following events and add them to your diary:

  • Friday 26th April - Cake Sale and Pre-Loved Uniform Sale
  • Monday 29th April - Class photographs
  • Thursday 2nd May - Local elections (Sports Hall) – school open as usual
  • Friday 3rd May - Cairo Class Assembly (9:10am / 2:45pm - Middle Hall)
  • Monday 6th May - Bank Holiday – school closed
  • Tuesday 7th May - Royal Greenwich Singing Spectacular concert (evening)
  • Wednesday 8th May - Year 4 trip - London Philharmonic Orchestra
  • 20th to 24th May - Walk to School Week
  • Friday 24th May - Year 4 Greek Day 
  • 27th to 31st May - Half-term break
  • Monday 3rd June - Inset Day – school closed
  • Tuesday 4th June - Children return to school
  • Friday 14th June - Sports Day for Years 3 to 6 (morning)
  • 17th to 21st June - Dance workshops for all year groups
  • 9th to 11th July - Gordon Exhibition 
  • Friday 19th July - 120th Anniversary Party 
  • Wednesday 24th July - last day of term - school closes at 1:30pm