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National Assessments

At Gordon Primary School we are proud to consistently meet and exceed local and national averages. We recognise that statutory testing is only one measure of the achievements of our pupils who all have their own unique gifts and talents. Our record of academic excellence is one of which we are very proud.


KS2 SATs - % working at Expected Standard


KS2 SATs - % working at Greater Depth

Assessment, who is it for and how does it affect my child?

At Gordon Primary School we use a range of different assessments to inform our teaching, judge pupil attainment and measure progress in relation to local and national expectations and comparisons. Our assessments form the basis of a teacher's judgements about what pupils know and can do. We use:

  • Day to Day 'formative' assessment - to inform teaching and curriculum planning on an ongoing basis
  • In school 'summative' assessment - we use a range of assessment tasks and, trusted, standardised, curriculum-aligned paper assessments to help confidently track pupil progress and performance. This is adapted to suit the subject, age and stage of the pupils and they are carried out in an environment that reflects the every-day experience of the classroom.
  • Statutory 'summative' assessment - the Department for Education requires that statutory testing of pupils is carried out at key points during the children's primary education. These assessments and tests are explained in more detail below. The outcome of these assessments are always reported to parents and are used by external agencies such as Ofsted to support judgements made about school performance.

Early Years Foundation Stage - Reception Class

Baseline assessment: A child starting in their Reception Year will undertake a 'Reception Baseline Assessment' within the first six weeks of starting.  The purpose of the assessment is to provide the starting point for a new measure that will help parents understand how well schools support their pupils to progress between Reception and Year 6.

Early Years Foundation Stage Profile: In the Foundation Stage, children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage and are assessed using the Foundation Stage Profile. The EYFS profile summarises and describes children’s attainment at the end of the EYFS. It is based on regular observations and assessments in the 3 prime and 4 specific areas of learning, and the 3 learning characteristics - please see the Useful Documentation for Parents below for more information about these. At the end of the Reception year, a completed profile consists of 20 items of information: the attainment of each child assessed in relation to the 17 early learning goal (ELG) descriptors, together with a short narrative describing the child’s three learning characteristics. 

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Year 1

Phonics Screening Check: At the end of Year 1 children have a phonics test which is reported to parents. “The phonics screening check is a short, light-touch assessment to confirm whether individual children have learnt phonic decoding to an appropriate standard.”

The phonics test will identify the children who need extra help so they are given support to improve their reading skills. They will then be able to retake the check so that school can track children until they are able to decode.  A child who did not pass the screening check in Year 1 will take the test again in Year 2.

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Year 4

Multiplication Tables Check: The Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) is a Key Stage 2 assessment to be taken by pupils at the end of Year 4 (usually in June). The purpose of the MTC is to make sure the pupils' times tables knowledge is at the expected level. It is an online test that requires the children to answer 25 questions on their times tables up to 12 x 12. Questions about the 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 times tables come up more often. These results are for school improvement use only and are not published.

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Year 6

Key Stage 2 SATs: If you have a child in Year 6, at the end of the key stage (KS2) they will take national curriculum assessments known as 'SATs' in

  • English grammar, punctuation and spelling
  • English reading
  • Mathematics

These tests help measure the attainment of pupils in relation to the standards set out in the national curriculum and help teachers and parents identify where pupils may need additional support in a certain subject area. The tests are also used to assess schools' performance.

There are no tests for English writing or Science but performance in these subjects will be reported as a teacher assessment based on your child overall work and performance in the subject. Our teacher assessment judgements are externally moderated by Lewisham Local Authority to make sure the judgements are consistent with national standards.

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